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Monday, October 22, 2012


 Have you ever experienced silence, I mean real silence where your prejudging thoughts do not dare to act...

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Let the youth take leadership

This is the time where we need a new kind of revolution, a new system of leadership...
It is a time where the youth should completely lead the new revolution, and the political leaders afford protection and support without interruption.
The new kind of revolution will be figured out by the youth when they set their self free, for that a free man will instinctually follow a revolutionary road toward a loving humanity.
Trust the experience that our youth have gained from reading our history and not by the frustrated truth you offer to us now.
This is the time where youth should accept their freedom
Trust the creativity in our minds, and do not fear it.

Friday, October 19, 2012


Bashar el Assad strikes again.
His allies are silent.
His secret intelligence and terrorists in my loved country, made an other step in the series of bombing and terrorizing in my country.
They killed an other honorable leader (the Lebanese security chief) who managed to  fight terrorists since a while
Worse... they did it in a crowded street, full of innocent people.
A big bomb explosion, that was followed by a second
Buildings' balconies felled, a huge explosion
Kids got killed, a massacre, dozens of people got killed.
Criminals, Criminals, Criminals...
The devil will fall, but first he has to struggle...
He never gives away and never care, he has hunger to kill and he will do this till his last moments.

Stop him... my brothers in Lebanon those who support his allies, wake up have mercy on us... stop supporting them... you are being part of this crime, you are not innocent any more, you are feeding the devil, you are being partners in killing our kids our angels, you are playing a role in destroying my Loved country, you are putting down our great civilization that was always a message of peace an example of democracy... kick away this bloody dictator.
Stop him you international leaders... you are being nothing but shit business men, playing politics... This is not a game, put him down, put this criminal Bashar down, all it takes is a little decision from you to stop those crimes... I dare you to be human not business men thirsty for power... you are no less devils then him...
you can make the decision to top him... but no you are busy with your silly games.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


With clouds and light, the horizon draws infinite beauty, tells infinite stories.


God lights the sight that I aim to dive into.